Work Day, April 14

EVENT DATE: April 14, 2022

Hey everyone! Our long awaited Easter Gathering is just around the corner.

We will be having a half work day at Finegold on Thursday, April 14 just before Easter weekend. Please come help if you can. If you are unable to help with some tasks, please come cheer us on! We are working on firebreaks, moving the beautiful picnic tables and tree trimming if possible. There’s an evil weed growing down by the creek, I think Jason Marshall calls it “goats head”, it would be great to remove that. The thorns are really bad and will eventually make it impossible for the little kids to go barefoot creek side. Lets get it out before it goes to seed.

I’m also interested in organizing some activities if you are interested in sharing your craft or teaching something, please reach out to me @503-580-1986. Please remember to bring your donation for each activity. these volunteers are donating their time to share their craft and support Finegold. Susie Carrillo will be teaching weaving on the hour every hour beginning at 10am Saturday. I will be leading a early morning hike to Crooks Mtn Saturday morning at 830. We also have Kate, a botanist, who will be leading a nature walk on Saturday! Easter egg dying will be Saturday morning at ten ’clock. Potluck is at dinner time. There will be Finegold Ranch merch for sale(tshirts, tote bags, hats etc) with all proceeds going to support Finegold. Marc Mandel will be announcing the next project.
If you’re able to help on workday, please bring appropriate workwear and safety items as well as weedwhackers and any other tools! Activities will be posted at the gate. Feel free to call with questions. So exciting!

Access for day use and overnight camping will open on Thursday, April 14th, at noon. Anyone wishing access sooner should contact the Board at Please remember we count on both day use ($5.00/person) and overnight camping fees ($15/person/night; $35/family/night) to offset the costs associated with providing sanitation facilities etc. If this is a hardship, please do not let that prevent you from enjoying the Ranch.

We look forward to seeing you for music, stories, fun and games.
Mary Kinman Strobel