Finegold Ranch Bathroom Update

“Well, I suppose you just get started, do the best you can, and let others do what you didn’t get done.”

Susie Hickman

We thought it would be appropriate to provide an update on our progress our bathrooms at the Ranch. A brief description includes:

Estimates vary, but nearly 95% complete!

Outdoor Beauty…

Indoor comfort…

But we still need your help…

So many of you have been such an instrumental part in helping to shape the vision for the structure we thought you would like to see your ideas become reality! We raised over $55,000 for the project and the Board has allocated an additional $5,000, but we estimate we will need an additional $5,000 to reach our final goal. To help bring Susie’s vision for the Ranch to thrive as a place of respite, community, and education, we are reaching out to you, to see if you can help with our final fundraising push. Use the donation links below or send us your check at our mailing address. We look forward to your next visit to Finegold to see the structure yourself.

Mail checks to:
Finegold Trust
P.O. Box 34
O’Neals, CA 93645