Easter Reunion 2023

**Saturday potluck dinner and Sunday Easter Meadow picnic**

Access to Finegold Ranch is currently only via High Water Road. Do not plan to cross Finegold Creek.  

Please be aware the roads have sustained significant damage from the spring storms. Currently no vehicle access past the Finegold gate is permitted.  Please do not drive vehicles driven off roadways due to the supersaturation of the ground and erosion this causes… as well as having vehicles stuck in mud. Please be prepared to pack your belongings/camping gear  in and out. This pertains to the Hickman property as well. 

**Please check the website  for last minute updates prior to Easter. https://finegoldtrust.org/

Due to high water level and fast moving water no swimming this year; Sorry.

Potluck Saturday 5pm: bring chairs, drinks, something to share and don’t forget your cash donation

Camping suggested donations: 

Finegold is here because of your generous donations and the volunteers giving their time and energy. Please feel free to be generous with a donation. These are minimum suggestions:



$5/person/day use

$25/family/day use

Easter Bunny at Council Rock Sunday, 10 am  Easter Meadow egg hunt and picnic to follow. 

T shirts, hoodies, Tie Dye T shirts and hats will be for sale. 

Volunteers are needed  for the following:

Anyone willing to share or teach a skill or art…during the weekend? 

3-4 people for one hour each to help the kids dye eggs. Saturday 12 noon at the stage on the lawn

1 person to teach tie dying : Saturday, time to be determined

1 person to lead a hike to Crooks mountain: Saturday, 10 am 

4-5 people to assist with Saturday potluck on the lawn: 4 pm

1-2 people to help kids paint rocks: Saturday, 12 noon on the stage at the lawn

2 volunteers to hide eggs in Easter Meadow: Early Sunday morning

Weaving teaching/demo by Susie Carrillo: Date time to be determined.