December 2023 Update

Nonprofit Status and Bathroom Renovation

Dear Finegold Family,

As the holiday spirit embraces us, we have both good and GREAT news to share!

But first, let’s reflect on Susie Hickman’s incredible gift: Finegold Ranch itself. Far, far  more than just a valuable piece of land, The Ranch and Trust represents her dream of  fostering a legacy of love, goodwill, and education.

Here’s the good news: After a five-year-long effort, Finegold Trust now has now been  reinstated as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization with its 501(c)3, 509(a)2 status. This  means your donations are fully tax-deductible, both Federal and State of California,  aligning perfectly with year-end giving.

Our goal? To upgrade the Ranch’s infrastructure, starting with ADA-compliant  bathrooms – which is essential for Finegold Ranch’s growth and the well-being of all  future Finegoldians.

Ask yourself this question: “What would Susie do?”

Never mind. Susie’d probably build the bathrooms out of old wine bottles and rusted barbed wire. However, the Finegold Board of Trustees have committed to building this  bathroom project TO CODE!

Now, the GREAT news: There’s a dedicated (but mysterious) handful of  anonymous Finegoldian Alumni donors who have generously kickstarted the bathroom  project with a substantial donation pledge. We now have $26,000 pledged toward our  $80,000 goal.

But we need more true Finegoldian Spirit to uplift this dream and make it  happen. Quite a bit more.  

Now is the time…

Every contribution counts:

– $1 shows your huge heart and support.

– $100 is beyond generous.

– $1,000 is an otherworldly gift.

– $5,000 or more? You’re a Finegold saint!

Please forward this to anybody you know who might be interested in helping make this  bathroom project happen.

Please send donation checks to:

Finegold Trust

PO Box 34

O’Neals, Ca 93645

Our Paypal link is:

Our Venmo link is: Finegold

Thank you!

Your Finegold Board:

Tom Spencer – Chairman

Mary Kinman-Strobel -Secretary

Ron Supat – Treasurer

Bill Lehr and Marc Mandel – Trustees