
Situated in Madera County, Finegold Ranch is both a gem of nature and an amazing public resource.  We invite you to learn more and stay in touch as things happen!      
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Join Us in Breathing New Life into a Beloved Old Place…
“The Finegold Ranch has been a wonderful place. A nearly pristine Sierra Nevada foothill wilderness as charming and enchanting as the ranch is a rare gift. Rarer still, is that it belongs to you and me, to all of us, as a public benefit charity. We, this community, steward something truly special. In its past the Ranch has been a place of learning and teaching, of connections built between people (and animals) and time spent alone finding oneself. It has been a space for healing, for preservation, and for growth.

Many fine memories were forged at this sacred spot, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, and there will be more opportunities to create new memories on the horizon as we pick ourselves up and move forward with a common dream: for Finegold to be a part of the community and the larger picture again, to make a difference, to improve life, to give back to the people who have supported this beautiful place through the hard times. Many people have stories about how Finegold, and their experiences there, made their life what it is today. Growing up in the Finegold Community, my childhood was laden with adventures, lessons, and people who fostered in me a love of many things that fill my life with goodness.

Our Finegold family (or “tribe” as I’ve heard it called recently), instilled in me an appreciation of the arts, of people, of nature, of community, responsibility, and of hard work. As our world becomes more centered around technology, it becomes apparent that a place like Finegold will be indispensable to people of all ages. People need more places to escape, unwind, explore, meditate, learn, reconnect, to feel safe and feel free.

People need more places where our differences are celebrated and shared; where acceptance and understanding is default. It is our plan in earnest that the future of Finegold Ranch holds programs and events for our community and new comers of all ages and backgrounds for alternative and supplemental education.

It is our intention to foster a place for charity and mutual benefit; a place for botany, astronomy, and all the applicable sciences; a place that revives and even employs our community; a place that once again makes this little valley a gem that each person who experiences it feels all the richer for having known it.
We are beginning again.”  Julieanne Corrigan Echols