Mission and Vision

Vision Statement

Finegold Trust was founded for, and is dedicated to, providing the general community with the opportunity of enjoying the gift and the natural beauty of Finegold Ranch and to support endeavors related to education, the arts, health and rehabilitation, agriculture and science, and community development.

Mission Statement

The legacy of Finegold Ranch and Trust is perpetuated by maintaining a keen awareness of the delicate balance between development for the sake of accomplishing our Mission and protecting the natural resources that provide the atmosphere where alternative approaches to education can thrive. It is our intention to accomplish this by (not in order):

  • Continuing the process of upgrading the infrastructure to serve groups of up to 100 safely and comfortably.
  • Removing items, structures, etc. that no longer serve a purpose or create visual or physical impediments to enjoying the environment.
  • Recruiting local and regional talent for providing educational and cultural experiences.
  • Pursuing financial viability by soliciting donors for both our general operating expenses and specific programs or projects. Applications for various grant opportunities will also be explored.
  • Promoting the use of Ranch facilities to outside groups and organizations.
  • Enhancing communication with friends of Finegold by using social media and traditional approaches.
  • Exploring the feasibility of utilizing volunteer or paid personnel for hosting individuals and groups at the Ranch.
  • Minimizing costs associated with the use of facilities to make the Ranch as accessible as possible to all.

By systematically and diligently working toward these ends, it is our vision that between four and six new programs be conducted at the Ranch each year until capacity is met.

Adopted on January 19, 2023 by:

Mary Strobel – Chairperson/Trustee
Marc Mandell -Trustee
Bill Lehr-Secretary/Trustee
Tom Spencer – Trustee
Ron Supat – Treasurer/Trustee